News & Views

Fnality celebrates completion of a landmark DvP proof of concept

UK FinTechs Fnality, Nivaura and Adhara collaborate with NatWest and Santander to execute first cross-chain pilot debt transaction on public Ethereum and Fnality Payment System

Interview with Blockworks DAS:LONDON 2021

Friday Snippet: Becoming T-Shaped

Being T-shaped refers to the wealth of skills and experience someone may have, and is particularly useful in the world of recruitment when looking for strong employees or the most desirable candidates.

Friday Snippet: Why Does Fnality Have the Best Workplace Culture?

Fnality’s ways of working, based on the agile methodology, mean that we are constantly iterating, feeding back and learning. For our team members, in a practical sense that means that we encourage open and honest feedback, and encourage everyone to develop not just themselves, but also others; introspect and be empowered to make suggestions based on your findings. One way we do this is through our fortnightly sprint retrospectives, where, as part of a cross-functional team, we each discuss what went well and what could have gone better in the previous two-week sprint. This can range from talking about a piece of work not going according to plan, deadlines not being reached, morale being...

The importance of Fnality’s Universal Payment Leg

Digitisation and new technologies, like DLT and blockchain, are rapidly innovating the wholesale financial market industry.

Every day a new type of asset becomes ‘tokenised’ (i.e., represented digitally on a distributed ledger), from financial products (e.g., repurchase agreements, fixed income, equities) to any sort of tradable assets (e.g., real estate, IP royaltiesforests!) shaping the future tokenised financial markets and potentially creating novel business cases whose magnitude is still hard to define.

At the same time, execution of transactions in existing markets, such as equities, fixed income, FX and derivatives have seen incredible digital automation.

However, post-trade...

On the UK House of Lords Economic Committee meeting on CBDC

At Fnality, we are often asked questions along the lines of 'How would new forms of digital money alter your value proposition?’ or 'Where does Fnality 'fit' in a future world with CBDC?'

Friday Snippet: A Day In The Life Of A Platform Engineer at Fnality International

Ever wondered what a life in the day of a Platform Engineer looks like at Fnality International? Here is our own Jowita Lapies to tell you all about it.

Key Takeaways from HQLAx Conference: Transforming the Securities Finance Industry via Distributed Ledger Technology

Fnality's Product Manager, Simone Cortese, discussed the future of DLT ecosystems and why interoperability holds the key to success at the HQLAx Conference on Transforming the Securities Finance Industry via Distributed Ledger Technology. He highlights his key takeaways and insights in this blog post.

Friday Snippet: A Day In The Life Of A Product Analyst At Fnality International

Ever wondered what a life in the day of a Product Analyst looks like at Fnality International? Here is our own Ken Cruickshank to tell you all about it.

Fixing cross-border payments: the essential steps

Improving cross-border payments has become a top agenda item of global policy makers. The G20 has made “enhancing cross-border payments” a priority in 2019, and it continues to be a priority for 2021 under the Italian G20 presidency. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has launched an extensive roadmap last year, as well: “Faster, cheaper, more transparent and more inclusive cross-border payment services, including remittances, while maintaining their safety and security, would have widespread benefits for citizens and economies worldwide”. In fact, this October the FSB published measurable targets for addressing four key challenges in cross-border payments: cost, speed, access and...

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