The collaboration will make every Ownera router “Fnality-ready” and enable access to Fnality’s payment systems
17-Sep-2024 10:00:00 / by Fnality Press Office posted in Technology, Connection, Blockchain, Fnality, tokenisation, interoperability, Press Release, Ownera
09-Mar-2022 11:02:24 / by Giulia Secco posted in Fnality, tokenisation, payments, interoperability, CBDC, Collaboration, cross-border, atomicity, DeFi, PoC
In our two previous blog posts on stablecoins and CBDCs, we have discussed why the speed of market acceptance of stablecoins has constituted a financial stability concern for oversight authorities, pushing them to speed up their discussion around building appropriate legal frameworks to regulate new payment solutions.
We have also explored the acceleration of CBDC discussions in response to the perceived threat to existing currencies that central bankers see in stablecoins.
In the third and final blog post of this series, we highlight that several traditional market players have demonstrated their intention to explore and enter the stablecoin/DeFi space as a competitive response.
The amount...
02-Mar-2022 09:00:00 / by Giulia Secco posted in Fnality, payments, interoperability, CBDC, cross-border, atomicity, DeFi, PoC, RTGS
In our most recent blog post, we explored why the speed of market acceptance of stablecoins has constituted a financial stability concern for oversight authorities, one that has sped up their thinking around the need for a legal framework to regulate novel payment solutions.
Central bankers have also begun to explore alternatives to stablecoins, one particularly notable example being Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC); a digital form of a country’s fiat currency, issued and regulated by the national central bank.
The financial authorities of around 90 countries worldwide - representing 90% of global GDP - are now exploring CBDC issuance and investigating the effect they may have on their...
23-Feb-2022 09:35:12 / by Giulia Secco posted in Fnality, payments, stablecoins, interoperability, Fed, PWG, DeFi, ECB, Regulated Liabilities
As anticipated by our CEO, Rhom Ram, in his 2021 September blog post 'Are Stablecoins a threat to Capital Markets Incumbents?', the speed of market acceptance of stablecoins has been remarkably quick and therefore constitutes a financial stability concern for regulators.
As legislative frameworks are currently under construction, stablecoin arrangements - particularly because they depend on the receipt of fiat currency to issue corresponding digital tokens in exchange - look soon to be fully treated like depositary institutions.
Unlike a stablecoin, each Fnality Payment System doesn’t create or issue novel payment instruments, but is instead designed to be the 'system operator' of assets...
15-Dec-2021 10:30:00 / by Giulia Secco posted in Blockchain, Distributed Ledger Technology, Fnality, digital assets, payments, settlement, dFMI, interoperability, atomicity
Digitisation and new technologies, like DLT and blockchain, are rapidly innovating the wholesale financial market industry.
Every day a new type of asset becomes ‘tokenised’ (i.e., represented digitally on a distributed ledger), from financial products (e.g., repurchase agreements, fixed income, equities) to any sort of tradable assets (e.g., real estate, IP royalties… forests!) shaping the future tokenised financial markets and potentially creating novel business cases whose magnitude is still hard to define.
At the same time, execution of transactions in existing markets, such as equities, fixed income, FX and derivatives have seen incredible digital automation.
However, post-trade...
25-Nov-2021 11:30:00 / by Simone Cortese posted in Fnality, Views, digital assets, dFMI, interoperability, Legal, DLT, central banks, Governance, cross-border, cash on ledger
Fnality's Product Manager, Simone Cortese, discussed the future of DLT ecosystems and why interoperability holds the key to success at the HQLAx Conference on Transforming the Securities Finance Industry via Distributed Ledger Technology. He highlights his key takeaways and insights in this blog post.
25-Nov-2020 17:27:18 / by Simone Cortese posted in Fnality, Views, dFMI, interoperability
What is interoperability?