Is there a better recipe for disaster than changing career, dive headfirst into a new industry, meet a new team only virtually, leave your home and move to a new city - all while in lockdown in the middle of a pandemic?
21-May-2021 10:00:00 / by Alessandra Gaudio posted in Insider, Fnality, Views, people, diversity, wfh, Wellbeing, agile, working remotely, culture
27-Apr-2021 13:25:13 / by Angus Fletcher posted in Insider, Fnality, Views, people, agile, fintech, banking
Following 25 years working in post trade banking roles, an opportunity arose to try something different - FinTech.
26-Mar-2021 14:24:13 / by Abhishek Singh Rajput posted in Insider, Fnality, Views, people, diversity, agile, culture, Fnamily
Who am I?
This must be an important question for anyone who is reading this article, right? I am a Consultant Engineer & have worked with organisations of different scalesand domains like E-Commerce, Media and recently FinTechs. As a consultant, we move around between different clients and each time we are reborn with some fond andnot so fond memories of our experience.Hence you are reading an article from a five-month-old toddler reborn as a Platform Engineer consultant in Fnality.
12-Feb-2021 10:00:00 / by Simone Cortese posted in Insider, Fnality, Views, people, wfh, agile, working remotely, pandemic, Tshaped
Going back one year to February 2020, I would have never imagined what was about to happen. I was – and probably I still am – in love with the City of London. I love its narrow alleys, its old buildings which seem ready to tell a unique story of trade and people from all over the world. Ilove its corners and squares, the coffee shops. Hence, it’s not hard to believe that, at the beginning of March 2020, as the Governmentannounced the first lockdown advice, I feltsomehow in despair. Yes, I knew what wascoming – butI wasn’t emotionally prepared for that!
29-Jan-2021 10:00:00 / by Lauren Hume - Talent Acquisition Manager posted in Insider, Fnality, Views, people, agile, Career, Tshaped
Being T-shaped refers to the wealth of skills and experience someone may have, and is particularly useful in the world of recruitment when looking for strong employees or the most desirable candidates.
13-Nov-2020 12:46:33 / by Giulia Secco posted in Views, people, Remote First, Ways of Working, agile, working remotely, work from home
Remote working has always been available to all Fnality’s employees, nevertheless, going to the office every day was still the “norm”.
Covid-19 has caught us all unprepared, but we’ve quickly learnt to stretch the boundaries of remote collaboration through our new Remote First ways of working.
Overall, we have discovered that we are still able to perform & deliver – actually we have performed better than ever! The Fnality community that we had built, was still able to flourish despite the distance and this led us to feel more committed & close to each other. We’ve turned our daily interactions into virtual coffees, buddy catch-ups, end-of-the-week quizzes & games, mental health and...
04-Nov-2020 15:30:00 / by Lauren Hume - Talent Acquisition Manager posted in Views, people, Ways of Working, agile
There is no doubt that more and more material is published every day which reassures us that if our careers are not quite following the linear route we expected, this is OK. In many cases not just OK, but that such a ‘squiggly’ career is actually full of advantages (see The Squiggly Career by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis). Industries are changing far quicker than in the past, so the norms that applied to those starting out 30 years ago just aren’t applicable today. Those who stay at one company for the duration of their career are no longer held in high esteem and are more often than not viewed with incredulity. So, with this rate of change in industry, technology, and the age of instant...