It’s been a while since a former British Lord Chancellor declared “I think the people of this country have had enough of experts”, striking a populist note in the lead up to the UK’s Brexit referendum. In Watching the English, an entertaining book recommended to me when I first immigrated to this country, anthropologist Kate Fox writes about the English having “vestigial traces of a ‘culture of amateurism’, involving an instinctive mistrust of professionalism”. Others have argued about the superiority of generalists in a highly specialised world.1
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13-Aug-2021 16:15:00 / by Gary Chu posted in Fnality, Views, people, diversity, inclusion, Ways of Working, agile, Career, Legal, Fnamily, Specialist, Colleagues
It is Pride month again: the special time of the year when the LGBTQ+ community celebrates who we are. In doing so, we also raise awareness of the discrimination and prejudice that our community struggles against, and of the continuing efforts we can all make – whether LGBTQ+ or allies – to promote equality and inclusion.