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Olaf Ransome - Industry Solutions Advisor

Olaf is an expert-generalist in Financial Services matters. He brings a wealth of experience of the full front-to-back and end-to-end impact of bank operations. He is able to identify the target operating model and design the business architecture to deliver optimal processes and customer experience; building the best processes; delivering on the three key dimensions of operations: Control, Capacity, and Cost.
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In wholesale banking, liquidity makes the world go round

Is it time to change our thinking about 'Value-Date'?

Do we need to change thinking on value-date i.e. the date on which a transaction actually takes place? We’d love to hear your views.

Blockchain: Hype or hope? We are at a crossroads. Quo vadis? A year-end view of what and why

Is the DLT potential real, why haven’t we realised it, will we ever realise any of it? These are all questions worth examining. Here’s my view as we end 2019 and plan for progress in 2020. It’s a long piece; your feedback is really welcome.

Bridging the gap to tokenised markets: It’s about time

Where’s the headphone jack on the latest iPhone? There isn’t one. If you want to use headphones, you need an adaptor. Compatibility is always a consideration when you try to take a big leap forward.

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